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發表於 2024-3-13 11:33:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
The technology is gaining more and more supporters and everything indicates that it is a permanent trend. Marketers appreciate the solution for shortening the purchasing path  ads are displayed to a group of carefully selected users. Additionally using one platform you gain access to many communication channels. What is programmatic? Programmatic campaigns involve the use of fully automated ad targeting technology. The solution is used by both large and recognizable brands and small enterprises that want to quickly acquire customers. Based on the entered data the algorithms evaluate cookies and the products are displayed to people with interests corresponding to your company's offer .

Importantly when configuring programmatic campaigns various factors are taken into account. The display of advertising can be set taking into account data such as gender age place of residence and interests. The business goal is also Australia WhatsApp Number Data important. Strategies aimed at increasing brand recognition and sales strategies are planned differently. In the first case the priority is to increase the reach and reach a wide target group. In the second case it is important to reach a narrower group of recipients . Quote: programmatic is a technology that allows you to buy and sell advertising space on the Internet Purchasing places on publishing platforms takes place in various ways.

The most popular ones include: Advertising exchange RTB involves valuing received offers and providing advertising space to a selected client. Programmatic direct in this model advertising space is purchased directly from the publisher which requires negotiation of price terms. Contracts often specify issues such as preferred rates or guaranteed advertising formats. Private Marketplace a system similar to a realtime auction with the difference that advertising resources are offered only to a selected group of advertisers. Read also: Marketing automation .


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