Presentation of Paolo book "" Tuesday 23 February 2016. Presentation of Paolo book at the headquarters in Source: hat is Social Customer Service ? “ integrates social networks into customer service and conversations through these channels are public.” by Paolo Social Customer Service breaks down barriers Today, customers use social channels to communicate, express opinions and seek solutions.
This change offers companies the Email Data opportunity to break down communication barriers with the consumer. A good reason to accept the challenge. But is my company capable of getting involved? Traditional customer service, which uses tools such as telephone, email and fax , is distant from the interlocutor. Using social media such as Twitter, Facebook and requires empathy and short response times.
Empathy is the ability to fully understand the state of mind of others, whether it is joy or pain. Empathy means “feeling inside”, “putting yourself in the other person's shoes” – Wikipedia Social Customer Service requires training The Facebook badge that certifies high on social media means keeping up to date with frequent changes on the web and organizing yourself accordingly. Here's an example.