Data encryption is the transformation of information, making it unreadable to outsiders. At the same time, trusted persons can decrypt and read the original information.
Data encryption is used to protect information during storage and transmission, ensures confidentiality of information and protects data from unauthorized access .
There are many ways to encrypt/decrypt, but data privacy is not based on a secret algorithm, but on the fact that the encryption key is known only to trusted people.
Encryption also prevents data from being altered during transmission and storage, thus ensuring the integrity of the information.
There are two main types of encryption: symmetric and asymmetric.
Symmetric encryption uses the same cryptographic key to encrypt and decrypt data . This method is widely used in cryptography because it is very easy to use and understand, the technical load on the equipment is small, and thus high speed and reliability of encryption are ensured.
The disadvantages include the complexity of key exchange: if the key is successfully intercepted, the attacker will have unlimited access to encrypted information.
The basis of symmetric encryption was laid by the DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm, which uses a 56-bit key, which caused controversy regarding the ability of this algorithm to withstand various attacks. This standard was used until the early 2000s, until it was replaced by the more advanced AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), where the key length is 128, 192 or 256 bits.
Asymmetric encryption is a method of data encryption that involves the use of two keys - open and closed. The open (public) key is used to encrypt information and verify an electronic signature. The closed (private) key is used to sign and decrypt data encrypted with the open key. The open and closed keys are very large numbers related to each other by a certain function, but in such a way that knowing one, it is extremely difficult to calculate the other.
Information encrypted with a public key, like the public key itself, can be transmitted over unprotected communication channels. In such a scheme, interception of any data does not make sense, since the original information can only be restored using a private key, known only to the owner and not requiring transmission.
The most common asymmetric encryption algorithm is the RSA algorithm, which is based on the computational complexity of the problem of factoring large integers. The length of the RSA key is theoretically unlimited, but is usually between 1024 and 8192 bits.
Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best effect is achieved by combining both types of encryption. This happens, for example, like this:
— using an asymmetric algorithm, a session key is sent to the server for symmetric encryption;
— the exchange of information itself occurs according to a symmetric algorithm.
Regardless of the type of encryption chosen, none of them guarantees 100% security. Remember that any approach must be combined with other means of information protection.
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