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Google used to scan pages to determine









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-3-14 16:34:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Google began treating Yelp and other user-driven content and customer review sites more favorably by ranking them high in search results. Mobilegeddon The mobile update or mobilegeddon was rolled out in April 2015, as Google aims to reward mobile-friendly websites. This update was Google’s response to how consumer behaves, and not just about organic search. Adapting to consumer behavior was a great move by Google. What is considered to be the most significant change, (and worth commending) however, is that Google actually announced its algorithm changes ahead of time, contrary to their earliest roll out updates.

They announced the update as early as February 2015 to give webmasters and publishers enough time to improve the mobile-friendliness of their webpages. Because Google acknowledged the increasing popularity of mobile users in many countries, they released CY Lists an in-depth information and guideline about this update. Some experts found this update as something that wouldn’t keep them warm at night. But having said that, Mobilegeddon has caused SEO experts to recognize that site speed and load times will become crucial ranking factors in the not too distant future. RankBrain When Rankbrain was rolled out in October 2015, Google announced that it’s their third most important ranking signal, in parallel with other two most important signals: content and links.

Rankbrain is Google’s machine learning algorithm that provides more relevant search results by helping Google process and understand what the users’ search query means. For example, you typed “glamping site overlooking” in the search bar. if they contained the exact keyword someone searched for before Rankbrain. With Rankbrain, Google will try to figure out what your search query mean. It matches brand new keywords to keywords it has encountered before. Rankbrain was rolled out to solve one but huge problem in search intent query: 15% of search query done by users were never seen before by Google.


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